Fernet Encryption and Password Management in Python

In this project, I tried to build basic password manager with Fernet Encryption. Find project on GitHub, by clicking here. Understanding Fernet Encryption Fernet is a symmetric encryption algorithm provided by the cryptography library in Python. It ensures that a message encrypted with it cannot be manipulated or read by unauthorized users. Fernet encryption requires a key, which is used to both encrypt and decrypt the data. This key should be kept secure, as anyone with access to it can decrypt the encrypted data....

March 18, 2024 · 4 min · Azar Mamiyev

Python Project: Encryption and Decryption the Transposition Cipher

In the world of data security, encryption is like a fortress protecting sensitive information from prying eyes. Among the many encryption methods, there’s one called the Transposition Cipher. It’s a bit like rearranging the letters of a word to make it look scrambled. I wrote a blog post about the project, you can find it here and also you can find project on GitHub by clicking here.

March 18, 2024 · 1 min · Azar Mamiyev

IoT Device Programming

Abstract This was a project aimed at teaching a group of students with little to no background knowledge about the fundamental workings of IoT devices, in theory 1 and in practice. Practical exercises included: a basic “hello world!” program, LED and button usage example, timer and process explanation examples, sensor data reading examples, generic and ADC port usage examples, client and server communication examples, basics of security and its testing, MQTT communication basics....

April 4, 2022 · 1 min · Azar Mamiyev